9 Tricks My Dog Taught Me

If you love a dog, you’ve probably learned everything on this list, too.


1. Don’t bother to fuss. Just get down to business. Maddie could do her business anywhere in the yard or woods. No persnickety miss there.

2. Good food is worth singing about. Every meal = a song. A loud, soulful song. You never had to wonder about her feelings towards food.

3. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it won’t kill you. Who knows what’s under that pile of leaves or behind the firewood? Why not take a look? Just be careful of porcupines and skunks!

4. A deep, deep sigh of contentment makes you feel even more content.

5. Vie for the best sleeping accommodations. A good rest solves a lot of problems.

6. Keep an eye on the rest of the pack. Even if you don’t like them.

7. Never be too cool to show your love.

8. Make up your own rules for the game. May as well play the game you want to play, not the one someone else is forcing on you.

9. When your favorite people walk in the door, make a big, huge deal about it. Every. Single. Time.

That list is my way of avoiding writing this: on Sunday, we unexpectedly lost our beloved Maddie.

Maddie collarWithin an hour of noticing she was having problems breathing, we learned she had a tumor on her heart that had ruptured. The treatment options offered by our vet left  no expectation of giving her quality of life, and so we made the decision to let her move on before she suffered.

I like to imagine she’s entered a world where there are always balls to be chased, always a pond in which to swim, always branches to drag around, always squirrels to yell at, always a loving lap on which to drape. From the moment I adopted her in Albuquerque, she was my pal. I feel fortunate to have known her and been the recipient of her exuberant love.

Play hard in your afterlife, my sweet mutt.

24 thoughts on “9 Tricks My Dog Taught Me”

  1. Oh Beverly, I’m sorry for your loss, and so suddenly. I had to am,e the decision to euthanize my horse last year, and it is hard. But when it’s best for them it is the right thing. May you never be too cool to show your love.

  2. I”m so sorry. Losing a pet leaves such a hole. You are so right – all of these are lessons our Libby taught us – she’d add to #3 that it may win you a delightful perfume – even if no one else agrees!

  3. Oh Bev! I am so very sorry that you’re having to go through this. Such an awful loss. Another friend of mine had to let her dog go this week too- also a tumor rupture. Keeping you all in my thoughts.

  4. I am so, so sorry. Adopting an animal with the unconditional love they have for you is so joyful and fulfilling. Maddie has walked beside you through many changes on your journey, but letting her slip away is the hardest step you will make.
    You’re in my thoughts tonight, I’m just going to light a candle for her. M x

  5. so sorry for you loss, it’s sad to lose such a devoted friend who is never sad and always has a good day. I love your tribute to a wonderful pet.

  6. Oh Mads, I miss you, even your early morning howling for food! You sure lived with a special zeal and gusto for life. You had a way to make one feel very special and loved. I hope you are having a ball chasing squirrels, bears and deer!

  7. A big sigh in honor of Maddie and of you as you release her over the rainbow bridge. I see Skamper, Milo, and Rip the Wonder Dog welcoming her to her new pack–all play, all love, all treats, all the time. My Tink sends you a virtual lick on the face and a snuggle-cuddle. I send you a hug. Ride (write) on. T

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