Ten on Tuesday: Winter Blah Edition

Ah, winter. Your first cold snap is cheering. I happily pile on my hand knits and grin as I shiver. Your first snow brings the promise of cross country skiing.

Then you go on a bit too long.

Luckily, Carole has asked for 10 ways to beat the winter blahs, so we’re all sure to get some new ideas about how to deal with this guest that is, maybe, starting to be a little unwelcome.

1. Treat yourself to some flowers. Carnations last a long time. I’ve bought two bunches this month and spread them all around the bloomhouse.

2. Return to a craft you once enjoyed. Pulling out my sewing machine to make a few fabric scarves has been a lot of fun. Before I learned to knit, I sewed (mostly quilted) almost every day. It’s nice to shake my knitting ennui with a different needle.

3. Write a letter to a friend you haven’t seen in a while. You’ll not only have a respite from your own blahs, but your friend will be so pleased when that letter arrives.

4. Force some bulbs. We’ve got a pot of paper whites ready to bloom, and a hyacinth. Checking in on their progress puts me in mind of spring, when Neal and I circle the yard to see how our favorite plants survived the winter.

5. Eat pickled lemons. They are summer and light and everything good to my taste buds. Even if the sound of pickled lemons turns you off, I’ll bet you have your own food that does the same.

6. Make a fuss over Valentine’s Day. Oh, I don’t mean go out and spend on cards and candy and gifts. No, I mean: make your own cards; plan a dinner menu of all red foods; craft hearts to leave about for friends and family. Starting to plan your fuss now will be cheering, won’t it?

7. Visit a greenhouse or conservatory. Bring your camera or sketchbook and really, really look at the plants. Or bring a book, find a bench, and bask in the warmth and humidity.

8. Give yourself a pedicure. I am guilty of letting my toes look dull, but it’s much nicer to glance down and see hot pink then, well, nothing.

9. Take a day to indulge. Stay in your pjs, build a fire, read a good book (I’m on a Neil Gaiman kick myself), embroider, sketch, bake cookies…whatever indulgence looks like to you, just give in to it. On Sunday, after a slow morning of lingering over the paper and breakfast, I stood up and said, “well, I guess I’d better get a move on.” Neal asked where, exactly, I had to move on to. Good question. I curled up on the couch with a blanket, dog, and book for another hour and felt pleased with the world.

10. Get out there. Take a brisk walk or a quick cross country ski run. Embrace the cold. Then get inside with some hot chocolate or tea.

What are your best beat-the-winter-blahs strategies?


5 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday: Winter Blah Edition”

  1. Great list. A couple of things: I’ve been designating Sunday afternoons as reading, knitting and napping time. This is huge for me as I have a hard time taking time off, but it’s wonderful! I so look forward to that lazy afternoon And, thing #2: on a walk the other day, I saw the leaves of Crocuses poking up through the dirt! Spring is on its way. (And what I wouldn’t give for some of your snow. Instead, we have just cold, cold rain here.)

  2. Our lists are quite similar and I’m not surprised at all. And, even though I didn’t put it on my list, I bought 2 bunches of tulips this week. They make me feel so happy when I look at them!

  3. what a thoughtful list… I especially love your valentines ideas. I have an urge to buy pink and red paper and doilies and cut hearts.

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