Ten on Tuesday: Fitness Edition

Carole invited us to share ten tips for sticking to our fitness routine. Rather than routine, I think of having a fit life style. Here are my tips:

1. Keep a big physical goal in mind. I’ve got that century bike ride goal as my carrot. In the past, I’ve walked the Avon 3-Day fundraiser for breast cancer research (twice), and I’ve ridden lots of charity bike rides. When I want to slack, I think about what I want to achieve.

2. Park far away. I’m not a car shark. I don’t circle around looking for the “best” spot. I just park at the back and walk.

3. Take the stairs whenever possible. I once read that if you walked six flight of stairs every day, you’d increase your heart health by, well, a lot.

4. Make dates with friends. It’s a lot easier to get outside with a friend waiting in the driveway for me!

5. Have a playful attitude. When our snow was good a few weeks ago, I cross-country skied every day. Skiing is fun, but it burns a LOT of calories. But I really was after the fun.

6. Try BJ Fogg’s Three Tiny Habits program. It’s a great way to incorporate some pushups, sit ups, squats, or whatever you want to do into your daily life.

7. Hoola hoop. I guess that goes back to #5, but spending time with my hoola hoop makes me want to do other physical things.

8. Have sex often.I want my body to be a pleasure to me and my husband. Don’t feel like yoga today? Think about what that added flexibility may mean in bed!

9. Be vain. Not so vain as to annoy everyone around me (I hope), but vain enough to get my body moving if I don’t like how I look.

10. Make it a life style. When I lived in my sixth-floor co-op in Peekskill, I rarely took the elevator. After a few months, I could get to my floor by stairs faster than the elevator.

What helps you stick to your fitness routine (or life style)?

3 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday: Fitness Edition”

  1. Terrific list! And, without getting too personal, I have to say that #8 has improved greatly since I started taking better care of myself and working out. Ahem.

  2. Oh, what a great list. It’s very different from the others, and has some really great tips. I try to do #2 and #3 whenever I can, and people still look askance when I do. But you have some really wonderful suggestions about really incorporating fitness into your life versus making it another thing to check off on the daily to-do list.

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