Ten on Tuesday: TV edition

Ah, the memory lane that singing old television themes sends me down is precious. Carole’s responsible for this trip with her Ten on Tuesday topic: Ten Favorite TV Shows from Childhood

1. CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite. Okay, no snappy tune there. Even when I didn’t understand what was going on, I liked to watch the news with my dad.

2. MASH. Sometimes over my head, this show was a big hit among all of my siblings.

3. Gilligan’s Island. Now there is a catchy tune for you. So, are you Ginger or Mary Ann? Me? I had a little crush on the professor, natch.

4. Happy Days. Lucky Joani had all the cool guys hanging around her house.

5. Laverne and Shirley. So this is what life will be like after I leave home…

6. Captain Kangaroo. I remember my mom sitting with me during this show. She watched it with my oldest brother, too.

7. Star Trek. Space. The final frontier…oh, c’mon, you know you can say the entire thing from heart, too!

8. Land of the Lost. The neighborhood kids would re-enact this as one of our games. When the movie came out a few years ago,  some station ran a marathon. Let’s just say it did not hold up.

9. The Love Boat. Why I was allowed to watch this is beyond me. But I do a great imitation of Julie.

10. Charlie’s Angels. In fourth grade, my mom would roll my hair at night, and I would wake up looking like–no, I WAS Kelly Garrett.

11. The Muppet Show. I had to add it. Now this is a show that still holds up!

What are some of your favorite TV shows from childhood?

Psst…before you go, don’t forget to check out my destash sale

8 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday: TV edition”

  1. You wrote my list for me! I sometimes marvel at the things I watched as a child, and it makes me a little less uptight about what G watches. In addition to the Love Boat, I used to also watch Fantasy Island, Dallas and Falcon Crest when I was G’s age. Yikes!

    1. I wasn’t allowed “soap operas” like Dallas–yet the Love Boat was okay?! I always felt out of the loop b/c I couldn’t watch Dallas…

  2. If you start comparing lists of people from the same generation, they are probably going to be very similar, because we only has four tv networks to choose from. I’m not sure what the count is now, but if you have satellite with all the stations, I bet it is over 800.

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