Ten on Tuesday: Regular Purchases Edition

Reception Flower

This week Carole asked for a list of Ten Weekly Purchases (not groceries).  Other than groceries, there is little that I do purchase on a weekly basis, so I’m stretching the time frame to the very unspecific “regular”.

1. Tall non-fat, no-water dirty chai. Or sometimes a tall non-fat latte. Or, last week, a tall, non-fat, no-whip two-pump pumpkin latte. In other words, a beverage at Starbucks (for our lack of local mom & pop cafe that stays open late enough to accommodate the knitters).

2. Fill-up of regular unleaded gas. I use my Stop & Shop points and buy it in Massachusetts about every 8-10 days.

3. The Sunday New York Times. Technically, I’m buying it monthly as I have a subscription. Our local paper, bless its heart, is a tad thin on actual news, plus, after living in New York for 15 years, and working with Times journalists/photographers when I was in PR, it’s a nostalgic purchase.

4. Dog food. The mutts eat a non-grocery store brand of kibble, which necessitates a trip to the feed store every week to ten days.

5. Patterns. I have slowed down my pattern buying, but I can’t resist reading patterns when I love a knit or crocheted object. Oh, Ravelry, what you’ve done to me! I’m getting better at just favoriting items I like, but sometimes, I just have to know how the thing is made.

6. Greeting cards. I love to send birthday cards, off-beat holiday cards (you’re more likely to get a Halloween card from me than a Christmas card), and thinking-of-you cards.

7. Flowers. When the gardens are in bloom, I cut them myself, but otherwise, I buy flowers every few weeks. They keep me cheerful.

8. Thai food. Green papaya salad; spinach tofu soup; pad thai; sesame tofu; massamum curry; mango tofu. So many delicious dishes! Every other week or so, I happily indulge in some take out.

9. Books. I would guess I buy at least one a month. I borrow a lot from the library, but there are many I want to annotate while I read, and the library frowns on that.

10. Time. Okay, so maybe I’m not purchasing it with cash, but I do try to buy time by being organized and focused.

Whew! This was a challenging list for me! What do you purchase on a regular basis?

7 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday: Regular Purchases Edition”

  1. Interesting topic! Like you, I buy specialty dog food, gas, and restaurant food (Indian mostly) regularly. Lately it seems all we spend money on is home improvement and repairs. After that it’s probably books, hair cuts, and martial arts-related stuff.

  2. You are not alone in being challenged by this topic. I think I should have gone with monthly purchases instead of weekly. Oh well, they can’t all be winners!

  3. THis is a great challenge quyestion!

    Lottery tickets…I am in charge of the work collection……a BIG important job, if we win that is! Oh the stress of it all

    Dessert of some kind

    Cat litter

    greek yogurt…fireman inahles the stuff

    lately Mcdonald milkshakes for my gum graft

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