Back to School and a Contest

I hope everyone had as relaxing a weekend as I did.  A bike ride, some house cleaning, a luxurious Sunday morning reading the Times, a picnic with my cousin and her friends all added up to a lovely time.

Tomorrow begins the academic year for me.  I’ve revamped my first sequence (on American culture this time) and will copy my syllabus today.  I’m going to try out a blog for my course this year; it could be a great tool if I use it right.  It’s a matter of figuring out how to use it right that will challenge me.

Even before I became a teacher, rather by accident, I worked for a college in their public relations office, and later in their sponsored programs office.  In my late 20s, September became once again a time for fresh starts, and I think I like it even better than New Year’s Day for that.  There’s a quality of opportunity to September.  I may have done things that didn’t work during the last academic year, but this time, I can try something new.  I can improve.

Neal and I reflected on our summer over the weekend.  The weather was the nicest I ever remember, and Neal’s flower gardens really took off this year.  Unlike last year when I felt that I had wasted the summer as I worried about living back east and finding a job, this year I had a summer that leaves me satisfied with myself.  It started, of course, with our wedding.  While we didn’t kayak as much as we wanted, it was fun to get on the water when we did.  In June we made it out to NM to put the cImg_0662ondo up  for sale, and despite the craziness that ensued near closing, we met our goal of closing by the end of June.  There was our fantastic party, with a visit from my NM pals Mike and Dana, including trips to New York and Boston. By the end of July, I finished my novella, and in August I began revisions and also managed to write three new essays.  There was a beach trip, and Neal and I both remembered how much we love to ride bikes, resulting in new road bikes and a few falls for me (those clipless pedals are a challenge!).  I read some good books, got closer to friends old and new, and knit almost every day. 

A good summer, no doubt.

Now with September comes cooler evenings and milder afternoons. I have some goals for this month, which include embroidering and knitting some Christmas gifts, revising my novella, and taking lots of bike rides.  What are your plans for September?

Oh, yeah, the contest.  Only a few more posts before I reach No. 300, and under 50 comments to go to reach 2000.  Did you notice Santa commented on the last post?  Who knew I had such a prestigious reader! 

19 thoughts on “Back to School and a Contest”

  1. It’s funny, I haven’t had any school connections for 7 years, but I still feel the back to school vibe. I also get the itchyness in the spring when it’s almost time for it to be over.

  2. You made me smile so big with that post. Thank you, you lucky girl, you!
    I’m with you one hundred percent about September. It always falls right after my birthday so every September is the start of a new year for me.
    P.S. Santa, huh? 😉

  3. Our classes started last week, but it was still nice to have the long weekend to take some time to think before things get too crazy.
    Soooo, are you on Santa’s nice list or the naughty one 🙂

  4. I think that sense of restarting every September is something that sticks with us after so many years of schooling. When the weather changes with the new month, I can see how it makes sense, too.
    My plans are sock based. *L*
    Forget Santa. Where’s the Easter Bunny and his chocolate eggs?! ;^)

  5. It sounds like a perfect summer.
    Even after being out of an academic environment for a long time, I still can’t shake the sense that September marks the beginning of the year.

  6. Flyboy started SCHOOL today…pre-K, but still SCHOOL. Very exciting stuff.
    My goals for the month were A)try to stay sane and B)turn 38, but they sound pretty lame. Thanks for getting me thinking about a little goal setting for myself!

  7. It’s funny working in a school myself I feel like September is the start of the year. I think it would be interesting to use a blog for your class, a lot of schools are starting to use blogs to recruit new students.

  8. I always feel like regrouping and starting fresh in September. Then I feel that way about January and the spring, too!
    Glad you had a great summer!

  9. September is beautiful. Yesterday I heard a happy song I’d forgotten about . . . “September” by Earth, Wind, and Fire(!). I love the changes, the smells, the temperature, the feeling of settling in and starting something new and important that lingers from my own school days long ago. Good luck with your academic year. And with your 2K goal! May the luckiest commenter win!

  10. Comments? Comments? I’ll give you a comment.
    Love the whole summer recap. How are the honeymooners? Are you going to be the Honeymooners for Halloween this year?

  11. Oh I agree-September is definitely the beginning of the year. It always has been and I like it better that way. I think being a teacher helps too. Sorry I haven’t been around much, I’m sure I would have boosted those comment numbers a bit better. Hugs from Berlin!!

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