Craft-Tat Meme

Img_1281 Scout asked, so here goes.  Forgive the bad pictures–my tattoos are not in easily photographed places, at least if I’m the one wielding the camera.  This stylized dragon was my first tattoo, way back in 1992.  Artol (that’s his name) is on my right shoulder.  When I showed my mom this tattoo, she licked her finger and rubbed.  She didn’t believe that I had gotten the real thing.  When I was little, I always liked my grandfather’s tattoos, and I couldn’t wait to get my own.  Artol was my symbol for my ex-husband.  I don’t see the tattoo a lot, but I’ve thought of getting him covered.  Despite the original meaning, though, I’m mighty fond of Artol, and I don’t think I’ll do anything else.

Img_1278 Told you these pictures would stink.  As I’m not handy with programs that might let me flip this picture, how about you hold a mirror up to your computer monitor to look at this one?  It’s the number 13, my lucky number.  Since I was young, I’ve had a soft spot for this number.  Later I learned about 13 being a feminine number, and I grew to like it even more.  I got this one in 1996 after I made my ex draw it in pen week after week.  Johnny Cash covered a Danzig song "Thirteen," which was the inspiration for the location of this one.

Img_1275 This is a two-fer tattoo.  Originally there was a Chinese symbol that I thought meant student.  When several Chinese friends told me otherwise (um, try Saturday), I thought it was kind of funny.  I got the original tattoo with my friend Sara, spontaneously in 1999, so I didn’t have time to check that the symbol was correct for what I wanted it to mean.  Lesson learned.  After the ex and I separated, my friend and fellow knitter Annah and I got to talking about getting tattoos "fixed".  She made an appointment, and after work one day in 2003 (or was it 2004?) we both got new tats over old ones.  This is really just a design that the artist drew after tracing the original tattoo.  I see so many different things in it:  a mask (which being separated and later divorced allowed me to remove); a mermaid (which reminds me of my love of the water and of fairy tales); and a woman with her arms and legs spread open (which reminds me to embrace life and love). 

There you have it. The funniest thing about having these is that I’m a conservative looking person–it’s just the way I’m made.  These bits of black ink reflect my inner self better than anything else about my body, I think.  When my students get a look at these (usually in the late spring), they are often surprised, which amuses me. 

Let me know if you posted pictures of your tattoos if you have them, or what you would get if you ever decided to ink up your skin.

7 thoughts on “Craft-Tat Meme”

  1. Thanks for sharing these! I know exactly what you mean about being a conservative looking person – people are always SHOCKED to hear I have a tattoo (and plan to have more!). :0)

  2. Funny that you have a dragon as well. I posted photos of my dragon today. It is hard to take photos of your own back side too. I am like you, most people don’t realize that I have tattoos either. Although given my love of color and policy of playing devil’s advocate, that surprises me. I did have one guy in a bar tell that I looked like a wild child but that might have been the alcohol talking.

  3. Thanks for sharing. I’m sort of a conservative looking person as well, and my two little tattoos used to shock a few people. Now, they are laughable compared to the ink I see on others. I love the symbolic tattoo.

  4. People are always surprised that I have tattoos too (a guy actually once said he was surprised I knew any four-letter words. I was like, dude, you should hear me in traffic!). I think that’s weird, since pretty much everyone I know has at least one.

  5. I have a tattoo. I love my tattoo. When I lived in Mexico I wanted a white gecko but it turned out to be a white cat’s paw instead. It’s on my foot and it’s so cool because you can see it really well in the summer when my feet are tan. Your tattoos are cool! Oh and I’m quite conservative myself that’s why I went with white.
    Then there are the piercings. 🙂

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