Spindle Spinning

I’d gotten to where I felt pretty comfortable spinning on my cd spindle when I acquired my Bosworth Beauty.  I took out a baggie of alpaca that I’ve been hording (why do we hord fiber?  or good stationery?  Or nice linens?  No more, but that’s for another post).  I wanted my first spinning on her to be a lovely fiber, and it’s a sensual experience: the smoothness of the wood, the softness of the fiber.  I ran into a problem that I didn’t have on the cd spindle, though, a problem that it has taken me three days of searching to find a name for, let alone a solution.  As I spin, the spindle quickly reverses direction.  This is called backspin.  The Spindler group archives had some information, as did this site that I’ve been enjoying this evening.  Apparently the qualities that made my new spindle desirable to me (lightness, quickness) are the very things that are hindering me now.  The solution?  Practice, practice, practice. 

But not tonight.  I don’t know about you, but the time change leaves me wanting even more sleep.  And I want that beauty rest.  Tomorrow I’m finally going for my new license–gotta look good in that picture!  It’s more than the picture, though.  I’m also changing my name back to my maiden name.  I’m nervous about this move.  When I got married, I used only my husband’s last name, and I felt lost, as though some of my identity had been removed.  I took back my maiden name and used it along with my married name (no dash, just two names), and it made me feel better.  At this point that double name has been a part of me for over 16 years.  I’m afraid that once more I’ll have a loss to deal with, but I know in my heart that it is time to make this move.  Here’s hoping I don’t experience a backspin of my own.

13 thoughts on “Spindle Spinning”

  1. *plugs ears to avoid hearing talk of spindles lest she gives in to the massive tractor beam of spinning*
    Hugs to you as you make your changes 🙂

  2. I am the one having a hard time with my sister changing her name now that she is married and she always reminds me…it is a name…it is no who I am …no matter what my name is I will always still be me.
    Go forth with Confidence…You are who you are and no one can change that!

  3. Follow your heart with your name, but you’re whomever you want to be with or without it. We all love you for being you (sappy and Mr. Rogers sounding, but true).

  4. About your name: it’s whatever you want it to be. Remember, while it is only an identifying label for other people, it’s a persona for you. (Just make sure the Social Security people know about the change so you can get all your money when you’re old like me!)
    About backspin: If the backspin is slow, that just means the spindle ran out of “power” and you need to start it turning again. If the backspin begins quickly, then my guess is you are not drafting quickly enough to keep up with the spin you’ve put on the spindle. This sounds like your backspin problem — which is almost universal among new spindle spinners.
    Two factors affect the spinning — first is the speed you twist the spindle to get it started, and second is the speed of drafting. (A caution: don’t hold your supply of fiber too tightly or you won’t be able to draft much at all!)
    If you are drafting for “fat” yarn, you have to draft very quickly because that kind of yarn doesn’t need much twist to hold it together and quickly reaches the point where it will backspin. It is easy to end up with a kinky rope. So before you begin to spin, split your roving into strips that are about the size you want to spin without further drafting. This “pre-drafting” lets you spin without much drafting a all — just feed the strip between your hands and onto the spindle at the rate you like.
    If you are drafting for thinner yarn, overspin can happen because it’s difficult to draft finely enough and quickly enough to keep up with the spin. Do the pre-drafting and use a short draw while you spin the spindle as slowly as you can. The Bosworths are beautifully made and balanced, so they have lovely long spin time even at pretty slow spin speed.
    Does it seem that no matter how you’re spinning or what you do that the spindle begins to backspin very quickly? You may be trying to spin too thick a yarn on too light a spindle, and there isn’t enough weight to provide the necessary momentum. You will find that you need a bunch of different spindles to do different kinds of yarn. Spindle stash! Ha ha ha hahahaha! (Excuse me.)
    When you come back to NM for a visit, come to my house again and I will show you! It is so difficult to try to explain with words, because there are so many things going on. Be patient with yourself. This is a muscle memory thing, and repetition is the only way to learn it. Let me know how you do!

  5. It’s funny how your name affects you. It’s a part of you for so long, it is hard to change. Plus, it’s your signature. I’ve been going over this with taking my husband’s name and I just don’t think I ever will totally switch over.

  6. My sister said she would never take another mans name. She wants her own identity even though she is married to a great guy.
    Spinning does take practice. The above commenter has some good points. The grist of the yarn you’re spinning may be too heavy for the spindle. Predraft it a little finer and see how that works for you. Make sure you put lots of spin into the fiber, too. Good luck!

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