Jaycrawlin’ Along

Img_0993 What’s that?  What’s inside that Converse?  A Jaywalker?  You betchya.  One Jaywalker, though.  One.  Don’t want to get any of my ABQ SnB girls too excited.  This sock posed a real challenge for me.  I changed my knitting technique in order to get gauge without using 0000’s, thanks to Scout, Carole, and Mona.  After consulting with Cookie, I decided that I’ll do the second sock toe up.  I’ve been blathering for a while about how I want to use this technique, and although the two socks might look a little different from each other, hey, they’ll both be learning socks for me!  I’m participating in Summer of Socks, and I want to knit two socks toe up on two circs before the end of the summer.  So one sock toe up on two circs…not a bad place to start!

Last night I knit with my girlhood friends Cae and Sara.  We’ve been trying to get together once a week, and eventually hope to have a Granby, East Granby, or Windsor Locks SnB.  I finished a 3-hour capelet that Sara and I each made last summer…we just had to add ribbon as a closure.  And closure for the 3-hour and one-year capelet. 

This morning I thought about Cae and Sara, as well as my Albuquerque girlies, the Hat City Scissor Squad, and the many blogland knitters with whom I’ve connected.  Yahoo news is running an article about how many Americans feel isolated, lacking in close friends.  I’ve been fortunate to have good friends my whole life, and I’ve been doubly fortunate to widen my circle of women friends, mainly through knitting and blogging.  As I went through the separation and divorce from my ex, I learned what those friendships meant to me; I learned how a wonderful group of strong, smart women is a must have.  Take my laptop, take my ipod, take about everything I own, just leave me my women friends.  You guys make me laugh, challenge me, support me when I’m discouraged, and help me to be a better woman, a better friend.  So, thanks, my friends.  XX

7 thoughts on “Jaycrawlin’ Along”

  1. Fabulous Jaywalker! What is that delicious yarn? Blogland is indeed wonderful. My husband used to mock me for seeking validation in cyberspace, but over the past few months he has come to realize how important it is to have interactions with others who share the same interests. Back to my booga bag knitting. Cheers!

  2. What a lovely colorway.
    Have you seen this? http://www.needletrax.com/toeupon2circulars.htm
    Might be what you’re looking for. Or did I give you that already? *L*
    I think as we get older our friendships do take on more importance. We offer each other a support system that we can’t get anywhere else often times, and I love being able to ask a question and know that I will get answer because y’all know everything. It’s also a wonderful chance to meet people we would not otherwise get to know and be silly with total strangers, who usually become friends. ♥

  3. Great, make me cry. Everything makes me cry lately! I’m just excited I get to see you soon. I think it calls for some of my cosmopolitans!~

  4. Love your Jaywalker! Being a stay at home mom it can be isolating at times but since I started blogging I’ve met lots of wonderful people on line and off who’ve become great friends.

  5. Love the sock! and thanks for the comment on my blog! Looks like I have some printing out to do. What a great site!
    I know I wouldn’t be knitting socks if it weren’t for the help and tuts that I’ve found online…and the great people I’ve *met*

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