So Much to Tell!

Let me start with my final SP7 package and reveal.  Michelle from Soap Fibar Gal in Cape Cod is the Queen of Spoiling PoMo Golightly!  Get a load of these goodies.

Img_0778 See the skein of handspun all tied up with the lovely ribbon?  And that tempting felted je ne sais quoi peeking out from the wrapping?  Wouldn’t you have ripped it open, even if you’d just spent hours on an airplane, and it was 12:30 a.m.?  Of course you would.

Img_0780 Look!  A Lucy Bag in a fabu tomato color.  I may get nutty and line this baby with lots of pockets to hold knitting stuff.  Because, as you must surely agree, this bag longs to be my knitting bag.  I hear her crying from the kitchen chair where she’s perched right now:  "Put your Jaywalker in me.  C’mon baby, I NEED a project!" 

Img_0781 But lest you worry that poor Lucy has never had the chance to hold anything in her tomato-y embrace, take a look at all these goodies!  In her sweet note, my fabu SP wrote that there were things to help with my gauge issues (ah, she’s an avid reader!), something to keep my feet warm (yes, they’re still cold!), something to hold my knitting (Lucy, my love!), and something to help me survive the dryness in NM, along with other goodies.  Um, SP, how did you manage to knit all those socks on your blog while putting together this package?  Do you ever sleep, dear SP?

Img_0782 What was Lucy holding?  A knitting journal, 0000 dpns (ok, are you trying to be funny!?!), a nifty gauge ruler, my favorite Yankee Candle scent, Clean Cotton, handlotion, soaps by the soap gal herself (or so I’m assuming!), two skeins of Knitpicks Landscapes in Mesa, a variety of bubble bath goodies, a candle, and fabrics in Project Spectrum pink.  Isn’t she the best?  Thanks for all of the wonderful treats, Michelle.  You really made this so much fun for me! xx

While waiting in the Minn/St. Paul airport yesterday, I saw TWO knitting pals from NM:  Jenny, on her way back home from London, and Kim, on her way back from a shower in CT. We were all on the same flight, all had knitting with us.  Jenny mentioned some new stash that I can’t wait to see posted on her blog.  Go check it out.

I had a bad airport moment, though, when a young man told me that UCONN had lost yesterday.  They weren’t up by much as Neal drove me to the airport, and so, yes, I’m sad to say, I lost faith in my boys.  Luckily, when I called Neal to let him know I was home, he set me straight.  The crisis passed.

While visiting Neal I had digital cable Internet hooked up at his house.  I can’t deal with dial up while there any more, and now, dears, I don’t have to.  We even went to the computer salvage place in town and got him a new second-hand computer.  He’s pretty pleased with it in his Neal-ish way. 

Notice how I’m tracking back?  Because even though the new system was set up on Saturday, I haven’t had a chance to update here.  So it’s ten days, all at once. 

I had a great time in TN with MB.  I "forced" a shopping spree on her:  makeover, new shoes, new purse, new clothes.  I think I may look for a job as a personal shopper.  It’s fun to get other people to spend their money!  Especially when they buy you a bag to match their new one.  Aren’t I a spoiled little sister?  We booked our beach house for this summer (we’ll be in Old Saybrook, CT this year, a change from our usual OBI trip), got my taxes mostly done (note to self:  Income Earned statement is a critical component to tax processing), and perhaps almost as fun as hanging out with my cool niece and nephew was my visit to my favorite TN LYS, Threaded Bliss Yarns

I adore TBY.  I adore Sheila.  I adore Rudy.  Sheila and I were wishing we could trade lives…I’m envious of her beautiful yarn store.  There is a WALL of Cascade 220.  I bought pinks and green for my Noni purse (scroll down on the Threaded Bliss Yarns post to the Baguette.  That’s the one I’m making).  I was debating colors, normally not big on making the color shown, but those pinks and green together are perfect.  Perfect and pretty.  I can’t wait to finish up some socks and get that baby knit.  I also got a preview of Mason Dixon Knitting.  Yes, the artwork is Hatch.  Yes, it’s a big book.  Yes, you want a copy, and so do I.  Thanks, Sheila, for a fun morning!

Finally, or rather, to start this big adventure, there was AWP in Austin.  I love Austin.  It’s plain and simple.  Dinner at Guero’s one night–delish!  Here’s my new life goal:  I will be a writer who lives in a hotel permanently.  And that hotel will be the divine Driskill.  You may visit me there.  Friday night Valerie, Bernard, and I had drinks in the bar.  A pint of Guinness poured by an older Irish gentleman for me.  Yes.  Then after dinner elsewhere, Valerie and I persuaded our companions to return, to just take a look at this treasure.  So we sat at the piano bar, listened to sweet music, and drank a little Texan drink.  We ended the night back at our hotel, danced a dance or two to the rocking (!) band, then Valerie and I enjoyed the piano playing of Mark Sundeen, author, dancer, pianist, singer. By the way, pick up a copy of The Making of Toro.  You will laugh.  You will thank me.

I’m back on East Coast time, so it’s very late for me.  I’m going to toddle off to bed now. 

6 thoughts on “So Much to Tell!”

  1. I’m so glad you had fun and made it home safely! I have never been to Austin but I swear everyone who visits there seems to love it. I guess I need to venture back into Texas

  2. Sounds like you had a GREAT time glad you made it home safely.
    I’m so glad you enjoyed the package! You should’ve seentha ladies at the PO eyeing it themselves, I was iffy about it arriving…;o))) hmmm you had the 0000’s on your KP wish list? thats why I bought them..Are you ears peirced? Myabe you can make some earrings for yourself, with all your leftover sock yarns also make neat gifties too. (just becareful not poke yourself)

  3. Oh yes I make the soap too.. I took the website down last year….btw- we kinda look alike could pass as twins I think….;o)))) how was that makeover? and the lucy bag I used BS Naturewool in orange crush… I was thinking pockets,but I didn’t want to be late with it either, I think the timing was perfect but if you would you like me to send you a skein to add some

  4. amusing little conincidence: when you were sending to me during SP6, I was sending to a girl who works at Threaded Bliss.
    glad you had a good trip!

  5. Hey, if you really want to be a personal shopper, I think that could be arranged… my friend Cara, who lives in Sturbridge, MA, just started up a business as a personal concierge: . 🙂 Glad you enjoyed your break!

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